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Looking for a Buyer's agent? Beware and watch out for this

You’re ready to take the next step and buy your first, or buy another, investment property.

Knock-out bids might not work

The knock-out (or slam) bid is a tactic supposedly used by expert auction bidders to knock their competitors out of the auction. Instead of raising the price by small increments of one or two thousand dollars, the knock-out bidder puts in a large bid like $10,000.

Aussie wealth soars on the back of booming property prices | Property Insiders

It’s been a busy week for property news, but despite all the good news, the pessimists are still out there throwing out headlines like:

Australian suburbs with highest and lowest life expectancy

7 property trends we can expect in 2021

What will stop this property boom and how you can capitalise

Does your property need a depreciation inspection?

Debt recycling: How to earn money from your debt

You make money when you buy

The reality of compounding growth for home investors

Is it time to put regional property on your search list?

What's on earth is going on with Australian property prices?!

The three learning fees you could pay for your property education

How to profit from a growth market

Busting some media property myths | Property Insiders

Bubble, boom, or bust – what lies ahead?

This is what it takes to be in the top 1% of wealthy people

This is what will stop property price growth | Property Insiders

Can property values really rise 20% in the next 2 years | Property Insiders

We're on the cusp of a property boom | Property Insiders

The 5 golden rules of property investing

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